
Copy Datageneration/Tags to MC1.16 archive
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Tags can be generated by extending the <code>ItemTagsProvider</code> for Items or <code>BlockTagsProvider</code> for Blocks. For Custom Objects you would need to expand <code>TagsProvider</code> and give it the Object you want tags for. For the registration of you Tags you need to override the <code>TagsProvider#registerTags</code> method.

{{Colored box|title=Information|content=You can still use <code>TagsProvider</code> for Items and Blocks but you would need to implement a lot of stuff that is already done in <code>ItemTagsProvider</code> and <code>BlockTagsProvider</code>}}

First you should make a <code>ITag.INamedTag</code>(NamedTag) with <code>ItemTags#makeWrapperTag</code> for Items or <code>BlockTags#makeWrapperTag</code> for blocks, this will take the name of you Tag, see [[Tags#Conventions/1.16]]

for more info. After you have the <code>NamedTag</code> you can start with the actual creation of the Tag, you would first call <code>TagsProvider#getOrCreateBuilder</code> which takes the NamedTag as an Argument, this returns a <code>TagsProvider.Builder</code>. Now you can with <code>TagsProvider.Builder#add</code> add one or more Items/Blocks or other Tags to your own Tags.

Example for an Item Tag:
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
ITag.INamedTag<Item> copperTag = ItemTags.makeWrapperTag("forge:ore/copper");

==Custom Type for Tags==

[[Category:Data Generation/1.16]]
