This is where you actually make a loottable (this is an explanation for a block loottable). If you have multiple blocks with similar loottables, making a general method could be a good idea. The Method should return a LootTable.Builder. This builder can be made by using the LootPool.lootPool() method, but you still need to add attributes. You need a name for the pool, the amount you get and also "what" you get. The "what" can modified using functions or conditions (see for possible vanilla funtions and conditions). After having made the builder, you return LootTable.lootTable().withPool(builder). A example of a "shulkerbox-like" block, copying its name, inventory and "energy" data to the block and restoring its contents.
This is where you actually make a loottable (this is an explanation for a block loottable). If you have multiple blocks with similar loottables, making a general method could be a good idea. The Method should return a <code>LootTable.Builder</code>. This builder can be made by using the <code>LootPool.lootPool()</code> method, but you still need to add attributes. You need a name for the pool, the amount you get and also "what" you get. The "what" can modified using functions or conditions (see for possible vanilla funtions and conditions). After having made the builder, you return <code>LootTable.lootTable().withPool(builder)</code>. A example of a "shulkerbox-like" block, copying its name, inventory and "energy" data to the block and restoring its contents.