However, it is required if you're targetting a method or field inside the class.<br>
However, it is required if you're targetting a method or field inside the class.<br>
<code>MemberSignature</code>s use the Java specification for parts.<br>
<code>MemberSignature</code>s use the Java specification for parts.<br>
Importantly, classes are in the form <code>Lpath/to/Class;</code>, method descriptors are <code>name(parameters)return</code> and <code>V</code> is void.<br>
Importantly, method descriptors are <code>name(parameters)return</code>, classes in the paramters are in the form <code>Lpath/to/Class;</code>,and <code>V</code> is void.<br>
A couple random examples to understand the syntax:
A couple random examples to understand the syntax: